This business is listed in the chimney sweep section of our website
- 07949050468
- down
- Saintfield
- Other Pages: Why Cleaning Chimney Is Essential - Chimney Cleaning Service - Contact Us
- With 35 years experience in the area we provide a fully insured, clean, reliable and friendly service. Using both traditional and modern methods we have a large satisfied customer base and references are available upon request.
Chimney sweep (standard single or two storey)
Chimney sweep and descale (standard single or two storey)
All stove flues catered for.
We provide competitive rates where there are more than One or more chimneys in one locality. Other services provided(rates vary depending on requirements):
Nest removal
Chimney caps, rain and crow guard fitting
Anti-downdraft cowls of all types - Clean SweepIs Also Listed In:
chimney-sweep in Saintfield
down Business Directory
Saintfield Business Directory
chimney-sweep in down
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